Power Supplies

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  • Current: 14A
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
Alfatronix AD115/230-12 168... AD115/230-12168

Alfatronix AD115/230-12 168 AC/DC power supply in.115/230Vac out.12Vdc 14A

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Price $282.94
1 168watt 12Vdc 115-230Vac 14A Alimentatori
Alfatronix DDi12-12 168... DDi12-12-168

Alfatronix DDi12-12 168 DC-DC Automotive 168W 12/12Vdc 14A Isolated

Products out of stock.
Price $206.58
1 168watt 12Vdc 12Vdc 14A Metallico Convertitori DC/DC
TDK-Lambda CUS400M-28/A... CUS400M-28/A

TDK-Lambda CUS400M-28/A Alimentatore Medicale 400W 28Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price $185.63
1 400Watt 24Vdc 85-265Vac 14A no IP Metallico Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda RWS100B-5... RWS100B-5

TDK-Lambda RWS100B-5 Alimentatore Industriale 5Vdc 100watt 10Y E-CAP LIFET.

Products out of stock.
Price $0.00
1 100watt 5Vdc 85-265Vac 300Vac 5s 14A Metallico Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda RWS150B-28... RWS150B-28

TDK-Lambda RWS150B-28 Alimentatore Industriale 28Vdc 150watt 10Y E-CAP LIFET.

Products out of stock.
Price $97.70
1 150watt 28Vdc 85-265Vac 300Vac 5s 14A Metallico Alimentatori