Power Supplies

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  • Current: 40A
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Alfatronix PT40 Battery... PT40

Alfatronix PT40 Battery protection circuit breaker 40A

Products out of stock.
Price €80.75
9-32Vdc 40A IP65 Metallico Programmabile
Alfatronix PT40-T Timed... PT40-T

Alfatronix PT40-T Timed Battery protection circuit breaker 40A

Products out of stock.
Price €80.75
9-32Vdc 40A IP65 Metallico Programmabile
TDK-Lambda... DDA500N-D2PP-1205-001

TDK-Lambda DDA500N-D2PP-1205-001 DC-DC Converter Din-Rail input 9-53V out. 3,3 to 15V out. 3,3 to 15V 20A/20A 250w/250w

Products out of stock.
Price €335.40
2 250w/250w 3,3-15Vdc 3,3-15Vdc 9 to 53Vdc 40A DIN Rail TS-35/7.5 or TS35/15 Convertitori DC/DC
TDK-Lambda DPP960-24-3... DPP960-24-3

TDK-Lambda DPP960-24-3 Power Supply Din Rail Three Phase 960W 24Vdc 40A

Products out of stock.
Price €689.45
1 960watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac 40A Din-Rail Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DRB960-24-3-A0... DRB960-24-3-A0

TDK-Lambda DRB960-24-3-A0 Alimentatore Din Rail Trifase 960W 24Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €243.00
1 960watt 24Vdc 3x350-575Vac 40A IP20 Din-Rail Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DRB960-24-3-A1... DRB960-24-3-A1

TDK-Lambda DRB960-24-3-A1 Alimentatore Din Rail Trifase 960W 24Vdc push-in terminals

Products out of stock.
Price €243.00
1 960watt 24Vdc 3x350-575Vac 40A IP20 Din-Rail Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DRF960-24-1... DRF960-24-1

TDK-Lambda DRF960-24-1 Alimentatore DIN Rail 24Vdc 40A nom. peak 60A 1440W

Products out of stock.
Price €576.80
1 960watt 24Vdc 180-264Vac 40A Din-Rail Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda RWS600B-15... RWS600B-15

TDK-Lambda RWS600B-15 Alimentatore Industriale 15Vdc 600watt 10Y E-CAP LIFET.

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
1 600watt 15Vdc 85-265Vac 300Vac 5s 40A Metallico Alimentatori