Power Supplies

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  • Current: 1,5A
  • Number Outputs: 1
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
Alfatronix AD115/230-24 036... AD115/230-24036

Alfatronix AD115/230-24 036 AC/DC Power Supply in.115/230Vac out.24Vdc 1,5A

Products out of stock.
Price €117.80
1 36watt 24Vdc 115-230Vac 1,5A Alimentatori
Alfatronix AD115/230-48 072... AD115/230-48072

Alfatronix AD115/230-48 072 AC/DC power supply in.115/230Vac out.48Vdc 1,5A

Products out of stock.
Price €155.10
1 72watt 48Vdc 115-230Vac 1,5A Alimentatori
HDR-30-24 Mean Well Power... HDR-30-24

HDR-30-24 Mean Well Power Supply Din Rail 30watt 24Vdc 1,5A

Mean Well
Products out of stock.
Price €13.60
1 30watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac o 120-370Vdc 1,5A IP20 Plastico Din Rail
LI30-20B24PR2 Mornsun... LI30-20B24PR2

LI30-20B24PR2 Mornsun Alimentatore Din Rail 30watt 24Vdc 1,5A

73 In Stock
Price €15.05
1 30watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac o 120-370Vdc 1,5A IP20 Plastico Din Rail
Mean Well LPV-35-24 Driver... LPV-35-24

Mean Well LPV-35-24 Driver LED Constant Voltage 35watt 24Vdc 1,5A IP67

Mean Well
3 In Stock
Price €12.00
1 35watt 24Vdc 90-264Vac o 127-370Vdc 1,5A IP67 Plastico Tensione Costante
Mean Well LRS-35-24... LRS-35-24

Mean Well LRS-35-24 Enclosed Power Supply 35watt 24Vdc 1,5A IP20

Mean Well
Products out of stock.
Price €8.00
1 35watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac o 120-370Vdc 1,5A IP20 Metallico Enclosed
Mornsun LM35-20B24 Enclosed... LM35-20B24

Mornsun LM35-20B24 Enclosed Power Supply 35watt 24Vdc 1,5A IP20

Products out of stock.
Price €9.35
1 35watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac o 120-370Vdc
85-264Vac o 120-373Vac
1,5A IP20 Metallico Enclosed
Mornsun LM35-20B24-C... LM35-20B24-C

Mornsun LM35-20B24-C Enclosed Power Supply 35watt 24Vdc 1,5A IP20

184 In Stock
Price €10.25
1 35watt 24Vdc 85-264Vac o 120-370Vdc
85-264Vac o 120-373Vac
1,5A IP20 Metallico Enclosed
Mornsun LM35-23B24 Enclosed... LM35-23B24

Mornsun LM35-23B24 Enclosed Power Supply 35watt 24Vdc 1,5A IP20

Products out of stock.
Price €10.40
1 35watt 24Vdc 85-305Vac o 120-430Vdc 1,5A IP20 Metallico Enclosed
TDK-Lambda DSP10-5 Din-Rail... DSP10-5

TDK-Lambda DSP10-5 Din-Rail power supply 10W 5Vdc 2A

26 In Stock
Price €48.80
1 10watt 5Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A Din-Rail Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DTM36CN240-C8... DTM36CN240-C8

TDK-Lambda DTM36CN240-C8 Alimentatore Medicale Desktop 24V 36W 1,5A Class II

Products out of stock.
Price €26.95
1 36watt 24Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A IP21 Plastico Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DTM70CN480... DTM70CN480

TDK-Lambda DTM70CN480 Alimentatore Desktop 48Vdc 70W 1,5A

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
1 70Watt 48Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A IP21 Plastico Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda DTM70CN480C8... DTM70CN480C8

TDK-Lambda DTM70CN480C8 Alimentatore Medicale Desktop 48Vdc 70W 1,5A

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
1 70Watt 48Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A IP21 Plastico Alimentatori

TDK-Lambda KPSB6-3R3 Alimentatore AC/DC Open Frame PCB 5watt out. 3,3Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €13.05
1 5watt 3,3Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A Open Frame Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda KPSB6-3R3-E... KPSB6-3R3-E

TDK-Lambda KPSB6-3R3-E Alimentatore AC/DC Incapsulato PCB 5watt out. 3,3Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €13.70
1 6watt 3,3Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A Incapsulato Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda KPSB6-3R3-J... KPSB6-3R3-J

TDK-Lambda KPSB6-3R3-J Alimentatore AC/DC Open Frame connettore JST plug-in 5watt out. 3,3Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €13.70
1 6watt 3,3Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A Open Frame Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda LS35-24 AC-DC... LS35-24

TDK-Lambda LS35-24 AC-DC Power Supply Enclosed 35W 24Vdc 1.5A

Products out of stock.
Price €17.00
1 35watt 24Vdc 88-264Vac o 125-373Vdc 1,5A IP20 Metallico Alimentatori
XP Power VET18US120C2-JA... VET18US120C2-JA

XP Power VET18US120C2-JA Desktop AC/DC Power Supply out 12Vdc 18W 1.5A

XP Power
1 In Stock
Price €17.70
1 18watt 12Vdc 90-264Vac 1,5A Plastico Alimentatori