Power Supplies

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  • Current: 12A
  • Number Outputs: 1
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
Alfatronix ICi24-12 144... ICi24-12144

Alfatronix ICi24-12 144 DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 144watt In.24-32Vdc Out.12Vdc 12A 4 stage charging

Products out of stock.
Price €142.30
1 144watt 12Vdc 24-32Vdc 12A IP20 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
Alfatronix PV12i-R DC-DC... PV12i-R

Alfatronix PV12i-R DC-DC Converter Railway In.24Vdc Out.12Vdc 160watt

Products out of stock.
Price €213.55
1 160watt 12Vdc 24Vdc 12A IP53 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
Alfatronix PV12i-RU DC-DC... PV12i-RU

Alfatronix PV12i-RU DC-DC Converter Automotive Rugged In.24Vdc Out.12Vdc 144W

Products out of stock.
Price €169.55
1 144watt 12Vdc 24Vdc 12A IP65 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
Alfatronix PV12s-RU DC-DC... PV12s-RU

Alfatronix PV12s-RU DC-DC Converter Automotive Rugged In.24Vdc Out.12Vdc 144W

Products out of stock.
Price €94.20
1 144watt 12Vdc 24Vdc 12A IP65 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
ICi 24-12 144-BRU... ICi24-12144-BRU

ICi 24-12 144-BRU Alfatronix DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 144watt 12Vdc 12A IP65

Products out of stock.
Price €169.55
1 144watt 12Vdc 24-32Vdc 12A IP65 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
J.Schneider NBPA0812G01002... NBPA0812G01002

J.Schneider NBPA0812G01002 AKKUTEC 2412VdS DC-UPS 230V 24Vdc 12A EN54-4 Senza Batterie

J. Schneider Elektrotechnik
1 In Stock
Price €493.00
1 288watt 24Vdc 230Vac (±15%) 12A IP20 Metallico DC-UPS

J.Schneider NBPG0812G01011 AKKUTEC 2412C Vds Cabinet DC-UPS 230V 24Vdc 12A Senza Batterie

J. Schneider Elektrotechnik
1 In Stock
Price €671.50
1 288watt 24Vdc 230Vac (±15%) 12A IP30 Metallico DC-UPS
TDK-Lambda KMS60A-5... KMS60A-5

TDK-Lambda KMS60A-5 Alimentatore Medicale PCB Out 5V 12A, 60watt Isolamento 4kVac (2 x MoPP)

Products out of stock.
Price €147.30
1 60watt 5Vdc 90-264Vac 12A Incapsulato Alimentatori