DIN Rail

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  • Brand: Nextys
  • Current: 10A
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
Nextys NDD241-11024P DC/DC... NDD241-11024P

Nextys NDD241-11024P DC/DC Converter su guida DIN ad alte prestazioni da 240watt In.90-345Vdc out.22,5-29Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
1 240watt 22,5-29Vdc 90-345Vdc 10A IP20 Din-Rail Convertitori DC/DC
Nextys NDW240 DC/DC... NDW240

Nextys NDW240 DC/DC Converter con uscita programmabile su guida DIN da 240watt in. 11-55Vdc out.5-55Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €205.45
1 240watt 5-55Vdc 11-55Vdc 10A IP20 Din-Rail Alimentatori Guida Din
Nextys NPSM240-24... NPSM240-24

Nextys NPSM240-24 Alimentatore DIN Rail Monofase 24Vdc 240W 10A

Products out of stock.
Price €145.90
1 240watt 24Vdc 120-240Vac o 110-345Vdc 10A IP20 Din-Rail Alimentatori Guida Din
Nextys NPSW240-24 DIN Rail... NPSW240-24

Nextys NPSW240-24 DIN Rail Power Supply Single/Two-phase/Three-phase 24Vdc 240W 10A

Products out of stock.
Price €205.45
1 240watt 24Vdc 200-500Vac o 250-725Vdc 10A IP20 Din-Rail Alimentatori Guida Din