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  • Applications: Convertitori DC/DC
  • Number Outputs: 1
  • Protection Level: IP20
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
Alfatronix ICi24-12 144... ICi24-12144

Alfatronix ICi24-12 144 DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 144watt In.24-32Vdc Out.12Vdc 12A 4 stage charging

Products out of stock.
Price €142.30
1 144watt 12Vdc 24-32Vdc 12A IP20 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
DDR-120B-24 Mean Well... DDR-120B-24

DDR-120B-24 Mean Well Convertitore DC-DC da guida DIN ultrasottile In.16,8-33,6Vdc out.24Vdc 5A

Mean Well
1 In Stock
Price €72.30
1 120watt 12Vdc 16,8-33,6Vdc 5A IP20 Din-Rail Convertitori DC/DC
ICi12-12 072 Alfatronix... ICi12-12072

ICi12-12 072 Alfatronix DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 72watt 12Vdc 6A

Products out of stock.
Price €142.30
1 72watt 12Vdc 12-16Vdc 6A IP20 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
ICi12-24 072 Alfatronix... ICi12-24072

ICi12-24 072 Alfatronix DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 72watt 24Vdc 3A

Products out of stock.
Price €142.30
1 72watt 24Vdc 12-16Vdc 3A IP20 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
ICi24-24 144 Alfatronix... ICi24-24144

ICi24-24 144 Alfatronix DC/DC Intelligent Battery Chargers 144watt 24Vdc 6A

Products out of stock.
Price €142.30
1 144watt 24Vdc 24-32Vdc 6A IP20 Alluminio Anodizzato Convertitori DC/DC
Nextys NDD241-11024P DC/DC... NDD241-11024P

Nextys NDD241-11024P DC/DC Converter su guida DIN ad alte prestazioni da 240watt In.90-345Vdc out.22,5-29Vdc

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
1 240watt 22,5-29Vdc 90-345Vdc 10A IP20 Din-Rail Convertitori DC/DC