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  • Current: 32A
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PCE 023-6ttx Spina 32A 3P... 023-6ttx

PCE 023-6ttx Spina 32A 3P 6h IP44 black TT SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
3 poli 230V 32A IP44 Polyamide Shark TT
PCE 023-6x Spina 32A 3P 6h... 023-6x

PCE 023-6x Spina 32A 3P 6h black SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
3 poli 230V 32A IP44 Polyamide Shark
PCE 024-10 Spina 32A 4P 10h... 024-10

PCE 024-10 Spina 32A 4P 10h SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €10.40
4 poli 50-500V (100-300 Hz) green 32A IP44/54 Cover Spina Volante
PCE 024-6x Spina 32A 4P 6h... 024-6x

PCE 024-6x Spina 32A 4P 6h black SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
4 poli 400V 32A IP44 Plastico Spine Volanti
PCE 025-6ttx Spina 32A 5P... 025-6ttx

PCE 025-6ttx Spina 32A 5P 6h IP44 black TT SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €9.50
5 poli 32A IP44 Plastico Spine e Prese
PCE 025-6x Spina 32A 5P 6h... 025-6x

PCE 025-6x Spina 32A 5P 6h black SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €8.70
5 poli 32A IP44 Plastico Spine
PCE 0932-11v Spina volante... 0932-11v

PCE 0932-11v Spina volante 32A 3P 24/42V 11h IP67 TWIST

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €13.50
3 poli 24/42V~ 32A IP67 Polyamide Spine Volanti
PCE 224-6 Industrial Plug... 224-6

PCE 224-6 Industrial Plug 32A 4P 6h SHARK

PC Electric
1 In Stock
Price €7.25
4 poli 400V 32A IP44 Plastico Shark
PCE 224-6TT Connector 32A... 224-6TT

PCE 224-6TT Connector 32A 4P 6h TT SHARK

PC Electric
20 In Stock
Price €11.80
4 poli 32A IP44/54 Plastico
PCE 225-6x Connector 32A 5P... 225-6x

PCE 225-6x Connector 32A 5P 6h black SHARK

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €11.70
5 poli 32A IP44 Plastico Spine e Prese
PCE 325-6x Presa flangiata... 325-6x

PCE 325-6x Presa flangiata diritta 32A 5p 6h IP44/54

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €11.25
5 poli 400V 32A IP44/54 Plastico Prese Flangiate
PCE 3932-11f87v Presa... 3932-11f87v

PCE 3932-11f87v Presa flangiata CEE dritta 75x85mm 32A 3p 24/42Vac 400-500Hz IP66/IP67 TWIST

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €18.30
3 poli 24/42V~ 32A IP66/67 Plastico Prese Flangiate
PCE 4252-1 Presa CEE... 4252-1

PCE 4252-1 Presa CEE Pannello 5Poli 32A 50VAC 1h IP67 morsetto a vite

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €27.90
5 poli 32A IP67 Plastico Spine e Prese
PCE 4252-1f78 Presa CEE... 4252-1f78

PCE 4252-1f78 Presa CEE Pannello 5Poli 32A 50VAC 1h IP67 morsetto a vite

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price €15.65
5 poli 32A IP67 Plastico Spine e Prese
PCE 77724-6 Flanged plug... 77724-6

PCE 77724-6 Flanged plug angled 32A 4p 6h IP44

PC Electric
1 In Stock
Price €10.75
4 poli 400V 32A IP44 Plastico Twist
PCE 77724-6TT Flanged Spina... 77724-6TT

PCE 77724-6TT Flanged Spina angled 32A 4p 6h IP44 TT

PC Electric
40 In Stock
Price €15.40
4 poli 32A
PCE 77725-6tt Spina... 77725-6tt

PCE 77725-6tt Spina flangiata CEE angolata 32A 5p 6h IP44 TT

PC Electric
2 In Stock
Price €13.35
5 poli 400V 32A IP44 Polyamide Spine Parete
PCE 77824-6 Flanged Spina... 77824-6

PCE 77824-6 Flanged Spina angled ph.inv 32A4p 6h IP44

PC Electric
1 In Stock
Price €13.80
4 poli 400V 32A IP44 Polyamide CEE con Invertitore di Fase
TDK-Lambda CUS1500M-48... CUS1500M-48

TDK-Lambda CUS1500M-48 Alimentatore Medicale 1500W 48Vdc 32A

Products out of stock.
Price €791.75
1 1500watt 48Vdc 85-265Vac 32A no IP Cover+Fan Alimentatori
TDK-Lambda CUS1500M-48/CO2... CUS1500M-48/CO2

TDK-Lambda CUS1500M-48/CO2 Alimentatore Medicale 1500W 48Vdc 32A

Products out of stock.
Price €902.45
1 1500watt 48Vdc 85-265Vac 32A no IP Cover+Fan Alimentatori