Power Connectors

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  • Number Outputs: 3 poli
  • Protection Level: IP68
Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
WEIPU SP1310/P3I-N... SP1310/P3I-N

WEIPU SP1310/P3I-N Waterproof Connector Male 3 poli solder

Products out of stock.
Price €3.05
3 poli 250V 13A IP68 Plastico SP13
WEIPU SP1310/S3I-N... SP1310/S3I-N

WEIPU SP1310/S3I-N Connettore Waterproof Femmina 3 poli saldare

Products out of stock.
Price €3.30
3 poli 180V 5A IP68 Plastico SP13
WEIPU SP1311/S3I-N... SP1311/S3I-N

WEIPU SP1311/S3I-N Connettore Prolunga Femmina 3 poli saldare

100 In Stock
Price €3.90
3 poli 250V 13A IP68 Plastico SP13
WEIPU SP1312/S3-N... SP1312/S3-N

WEIPU SP1312/S3-N Waterproof Connector Female Pannello 3 poli solder

Products out of stock.
Price €2.75
3 poli 250V 13A IP68 Plastico SP13
WEIPU SP1710/P3-1N... SP1710/P3-1N

WEIPU SP1710/P3-1N Waterproof Connector Male 3 Poli Ring -10mm solder

2 In Stock
Price €3.40
3 poli 500V 10A IP68 Plastico Connettori
WEIPU SP1712/S3-1C... SP1712/S3-1C

WEIPU SP1712/S3-1C Waterproof Connector Female 3 Poli Ring 6-10mm solder con Cap

Products out of stock.
Price €0.00
3 poli 500V 10A IP68 Plastico Connettori
WEIPU SP2110/P3I-2N... SP2110/P3I-2N

WEIPU SP2110/P3I-2N Waterproof Connector Male 3 Poli Ring 4,5-7mm vite

Products out of stock.
Price €4.15
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21
WEIPU SP2110/P3II-1N... SP2110/P3II-2C

WEIPU SP2110/P3II-1N Waterproof Connector Male 3 Poli Ring 7-12mm solder

Products out of stock.
Price €4.50
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21
WEIPU SP2110/P3II-1N... SP2110/P3II-1N

WEIPU SP2110/P3II-1N Waterproof Connector Male 3 Poli Ring 7-12mm solder

1 In Stock
Price €4.60
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21
WEIPU SP2110/S3II-2N... SP2110/S3II-2N

WEIPU SP2110/S3II-2N Waterproof Connector Female 3 Poli Ring 7-12mm vite

Products out of stock.
Price €4.15
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21
WEIPU SP2112/S3-1N... SP2112/S3-1N

WEIPU SP2112/S3-1N Waterproof Female Connector 3 Pole Solder Panel

129 In Stock
Price €4.85
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21
WEIPU SP2113/P3-1N... SP2113/P3-1N

WEIPU SP2113/P3-1N Waterproof Connector Male Pannello 3 Poli solder

Products out of stock.
Price €4.65
3 poli 500V 30A IP68 Plastico SP21