Special plugs and sockets

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Product images Product code Description / Manufacturer Availability Price for unit Price for Q.ty Quantity Number Outputs Power Output Voltage Input Voltage Current Protection Level Case Applications
PCE 0932-11v Spina volante... 0932-11v

PCE 0932-11v Spina volante 32A 3P 24/42V 11h IP67 TWIST

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price $14.65
3 poli 24/42V~ 32A IP67 Polyamide Spine Volanti
PCE 3932-11f87v Presa... 3932-11f87v

PCE 3932-11f87v Presa flangiata CEE dritta 75x85mm 32A 3p 24/42Vac 400-500Hz IP66/IP67 TWIST

PC Electric
Products out of stock.
Price $19.87
3 poli 24/42V~ 32A IP66/67 Plastico Prese Flangiate